KN-7279A Automated Houillon Viscometer


KN-7279A Automated Houillon Viscometer


KN-7929A Automated Houillon Viscometer conforms to ASTM D7279 Standard Test Method for Kinematic Viscosity of Transparent and Opaque Liquids by Automated Houillon Viscometer. Many petroleum products and some non-petroleum products are used as lubricants in the equipment, and the correct operation of the equipment depends upon the appropriate viscosity of the lubricant being used. Additionally, the viscosity of many petroleum fuels is important for the estimation of optimum storage, handling, and operational conditions. Thus, the accurate determination of viscosity is essential to many product specifications.

The viscosity of used oils is a commonly determined parameter in the oil industry to assess the effect of engine wear on the lube oils used, as well as the degradation of the engine parts during operation.

The Houillon viscometer tube method offers automated determination of kinematic viscosity. Typically a sample volume of less than 1mL is required for the analysis.



1.        Fast analysis, be able to get the results within 15s under the fast analysis mode. The results are generally obtained within 3 minutes. The whole process of sample injection, test, cleaning, drying, and result calculation generally takes no more than 7 minutes.

2.        High automation. Test, cleaning, drying, and result calculation are all done automatically

3.        Be able to test transparent and opaque samples, including gasoline, diesel, kerosene, cutting fluid, heat transfer oil, additives, new oil for lubricating oil and oil in use and other Newtonian liquids

4.        Fully automatic cleaning, fast cleaning and low cleaning cost. A cleaning process generally consumes no more than 10 ml cleaning solution

5.        Many auxiliary functions: constant calibration, temperature calibration, internal clock timing verification, automatic calculation of viscosity index, automatic conversion of kinematic viscosity to Enn's viscosity

6.        Software and hardware dual over-temperature protection, over-temperature alarm, anti-dry burning protection function

7.        The heating and cooling speed is fast. The fastest heating and cooling rate is 5/min

8.        Adopts double-layer glass cylinder, the temperature is more uniform

9.        Adopts PT500 high-precision temperature sensor, the temperature of the constant temperature bath is stable and accurate, and the temperature control accuracy reaches 0.01

10.    It can be equipped with a disposable filter, which greatly reduces the workload of the operator on sample pretreatment

11.    Quick viscometer replacement without emptying the bath

12.    Be able to transmit data through WIFI, connect to LIMS system


Technical parameters

1.        Rated voltage: AC220V±10% 50Hz

2.        Ambient temperature: 10~28

3.        Relative humidity80%

4.        Measuring range: 0.3~6000mm²/s, the measuring span of two viscometers is 100 times

5.        Sample volume: 0.3~1ml

6.        Temperature control range: 20~100(chiller is optional, if the expected temperature is lower than 40)

7.        Temperature control accuracy: 0.01

8.        Timing accuracy: 0.01s

9.        Repeatability: ≤0.05%

10.    Total power: ≤400W

11.    Dimension: 420*300*500mm

12.    There should be no strong vibration, airflow, strong electromagnetic interference and corrosive gas around the laboratory



Copyright:KAYCAN INSTRUMENT(DaLian) Co.,Ltd
   Record No:辽ICP备18001461号-2