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KN-5837 Furanic Compounds by HPLC


KN-5837 Furanic Compounds by HPLC


  KN-5837 Furanic Compounds by HPLC conforms to ASTM D5837 Standard Test Method for Furanic Compounds in Electrical Insulating Liquids by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). Furanic compounds are generated by the degradation of cellulosic materials used in the solid insulation systems of electrical equipment. Furanic compounds which are oil soluble to an appreciable degree will migrate into the insulating liquid. High concentrations or unusual increases in the concentrations of Furanic compounds in oil may indicate cellulose degradation from aging or incipient fault conditions.


1.        Reasonable circuit design, much easier  door design, cooling system improves stability

2.        Equipped with a new version of the chromatographic workstation Survey that meets GMP certification requirements, upgraded electronic signatures, user rights assignment, audit trail, system adaptability and other functions

3.        Replacement tray design is more beautiful

4.        Improved conductive silicone button design improves touch feeling

5.        Change instrument signal communication method to improve data stability

6.        Upgrade the motherboard to optimize the control program to increase the stability

Technical parameters:

Pumping system

1.         Injection method: Micro-volume tandem double plunger

2.         Maximum injection pressure: 6000psi

3.         Flow rate range: 0.001~9.999ml/min ±0.5% (Step size: 0.001ml/min)

4.         Flow rate stability RSD: 0.2%

5.         Pressure fluctuation: ±1% (0~100%, Water / acetone aqueous solution 2 gradient)

6.         Pump sealing 0.1Mpa, Flow rate: 1ml/min, Pressure drop5MPa

7.         Time program function: YES

8.         Dimension: W260*H130*D420mm

UV-VIS Spectrophotometric Detector

1.         Wavelength: 190~700nm±1nm

2.         Wavelength reproducibility: 0.1nm

3.         Linearity range:≥104

4.         Spectral bandwidth 6nm

5.         Flow cell volume10μL

6.         Optical path: 10mm

7.         Time program function YES

8.         Dynamic Noise:≤±0.75×10-5AU (Methanol, 1ml/min, 254nm, 20°C)

9.         Static Noise: ≤±0.5×10-5AU(Empty pool, Response time 1 s, 20 °C)

10.     Dynamic Drifting:≤±1×10-4AU (Methanol, 1ml/min, 254nm, 20°C)

11.     Static Drifting:≤±0.5×10-4AU(Empty pool, Response time 1 s, 20 °C)

12.     Minimum concentration detection: 4×10-9g/mlNaphthalene / methanol solution

13.     Qualitative repeatability RSD0.1%Quantitative repeatability RSD0.5%

Copyright:KAYCAN INSTRUMENT(DaLian) Co.,Ltd
   Record No:辽ICP备18001461号-2