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Oil type

KN-6304V Water Oven

Disposable vials can be used to take samples for heating vaporization, which is for standard weight solid or quasi-solid samples, such as: plastic particles, toner, inorganic salts, battery separators, liquid crystals, coatings, food, pharmaceuticals, etc. Working principle: The water in the sample is vaporized through the heater, and the water is carried into the reaction bottle by high-purity nitrogen as the carrier gas to participate in the Karl Fischer reaction, so as to obtain the water co
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KN-6304 Coulometric Karl-Fischer Titration Tester

A knowledge of the water content of lubricating oils, additives, and similar products is important in the manufacturing, purchase, sale, or transfer of such petroleum products to help in predicting their quality and performance characteristics
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KN-1657 LPG Pressure Hydrometer Cylinder

The density or relative density of light hydrocarbons and liquefied petroleum gases is used in custody transfer quantity calculations or to satisfy transportation, storage, and regulatory requirements.
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KN-1657A Pressure Hydrometer Cylinder Bath

The density or relative density of light hydrocarbons and liquefied petroleum gases is used in custody transfer quantity calculations or to satisfy transportation, storage, and regulatory requirements.
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KN-1838 LPG Copper Strip Corrosion

Copper corrosion limits provide assurance that difficulties will not be experienced in deterioration of the copper and copper-alloy fittings and connections that are commonly used in many types of utilization, storage, and transportation equipment.
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KN-5453 Ultraviolet Fluorescence Sulfur Tester

Some process catalysts used in petroleum and chemical refining can be poisoned when trace amounts of sulfur bearing materials are contained in the feedstocks. This test method can be used to determine sulfur in process feeds sulfur in finished products, and can also be used for purposes of regulatory control.
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KN-2158 Volatility and Residues in Liquefied Petroleum (LP) Gases apparatus

Control over the residue content (required by Specification D1835) is of considerable importance in end-use applications of LPG. In liquid feed systems residues can lead to troublesome deposits and, in vapor withdrawal systems, residues that are carried over can foul regulating equipment. Those that remain will accumulate, can be corrosive, and will contaminate following product. Water, particularly if alkaline, can cause failure of regulating equipment and corrosion of metals.
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KN-1267 Vapor Pressure for Liquefied Petroleum Gases(LPG method)

Determination of the vapor pressure of liquefied petroleum gas is important for safety reasons to ensure that the maximum operating design pressures of storage, handling, and fuel systems will not be exceeded under normal operating temperature conditions.
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KN-2420 LPG Hydrogen Sulfide Analyzer (Lead Acetate Method)

Liquefied petroleum gases and their products of combustion must not be unduly corrosive to the materials with which they come in contact. The potential personnel exposure hazards of H2S also make the detection and measurement of hydrogen sulfide important, even in low concentrations. In addition, in some cases the odor of the gases must not be objectionable
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KN-1945 GC for Analysis of Natural Gas

This GC is of significance for providing data for calculating physical properties of the sample, such as heating value and relative density, or for monitoring the concentrations of one or more of the components in a mixture.
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