KN-5452 Apparatus for Particulate Contamination in Aviation Fuels
KN-5452 Apparatus for Particulate Contamination in Aviation Fuels


KN-5452 Apparatus for Particulate Contamination in Aviation Fuels


KN-5452 Apparatus for Particulate Contamination in Aviation Fuels conforms to ASTM D5452 Standard Test Method for Particulate Contamination in Aviation Fuels by Laboratory Filtration. This test method provides a gravimetric measurement of the particulate matter present in a sample of aviation turbine fuels delivered to a laboratory for evaluation. The objective is to minimize these contaminants to avoid filter plugging and other operational problems. Although tolerable levels of particulate contaminants have not yet been established for all points in fuel distribution systems, the total contaminant measurement is normally of most interest.



1.         Aluminium structure with anti-vibrating feet according to ASTM D5452

2.         5 litres stainless steel sample tank epoxy coated conform to ASTM D4306 and dispensing screw cap with mose barb internal diameter of approx. 9.5 mm and lenght 32 mm, equipped with 100 mm fuel resistant flexible tube

3.         Metallic funnel 200 ml capacity with filter support and base for fine closing of the membrane

4.         5 litres graduated cylindrical vacuum bottles for receive sample

5.         Grounding system and vacuum connection tube included


Copyright:KAYCAN INSTRUMENT(DaLian) Co.,Ltd    Record No:辽ICP备18001461号-2