KN-7419 HPLC for Total Aromatics and Total Saturates


KN-7419 HPLC for Total Aromatics and Total Saturates


    KN-7419 HPLC for Total Aromatics and Total Saturates conforms to ASTM D7419 Standard Test Method for Determination of Total Aromatics and Total Saturates in Lube Basestocks by High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) with Refractive Index Detection. The composition of a lubricating oil has a large effect on the characteristics and uses of the oil. The determination of saturates, aromatics and polars is a key analysis of this composition. The characterization of the composition of lubricating oils is important in determining their interchangeability for use in blending etcetera.


  1. The static motor control circuit designed with independent technology realizes the automatic feedback tracking function of the motor control signal, effectively improves the motor control accuracy, and ensures the reliability and stability of the pump

  2. The technology of floating self-calibrating sealing ring technology and pump head self-cleaning function can prolong the service life of the sealing ring and ensure the durability and high efficiency of the tester

  3. Easy-to-use flow and pressure calibration functions ensure the high precision and stability of the tester

  4. Program design with two gradients: linear gradient and step gradient optional

  5. Programmable solvent classes and compression factors that automatically compensate for complete pre-cleaning for quick solvent changes.

  6. Optional automatic cleaning plunger and sealing ring device

  7. There are three modes: single wavelength test, time-wavelength program test and wavelength scanning test

  8. OLED graphic display screen, with the functions of automatically lighting the deuterium lamp, wavelength self-calibration, and automatic zero adjustment after the power-on self-test is completed

  9. Adopts a double beam monochromator optical system centered on a concave grating and a transmission device powered by a microprocessor-controlled stepping motor to ensure the accuracy and reproducibility of the wavelength

Technical parameters:

Pump type: Double plunger tandem reciprocating pump

  1. Flow rate range: 0.001~10ml/min (set step size 0.001ml/min)

  2. Flow rate accuracy≤±0.1% (0.001~10ml/min)

  3. Max working pressure: 50MPa, be able to set upper and lower limit, automatic alarm

  4. Pressure display error<±0.5Mpa (0~50MPa)

  5. Pressure pulsation<0.1MPa

  6. Pump leakproofness: When 42MPa, pressure decrease<0.5MPa within 10min

  7. Flow rate precision: RSD<0.05%

  8. Gradient: Binary or quaternary

Programmable flow control function

  1. Flow rate regulation steps: 20

  2. Program time: Max 6000min

  3. File capacity: 20

Dual pump control high pressure gradient function

  1. Gradient type: Horizontal Ladder and Function (Linear)

  2. Max program steps: 20

  3. Mixing ratio setting range: 0~100% (Increment 0.1%)

  4. Gradient error: ±1.5% [acetone/water solution, (0~100)%, flow 1.0mL/min, (1.0~20)MPa, detector wavelength 254nm]

  5. Gradient file capacity: 20

Technical characteristics

  1. Temperature setting range: Ambient~80℃

  2. Temperature display resolution: 0.1℃

  3. Temperature control accuracy:±1℃

  4. Overheating protection:80℃

  5. Heating power: 100W

  6. Wavelength range: 190~700nm wavelength scanning

  7. Wavelength accuracy: ±1nm

  8. Wavelength repeatability: ±0.1nm

  9. Wavelength bandwidth: 8nm

  10. Flow cell volume: 8ul

  11. Baseline noise: ±0.15×10-5AU (wavelength is 254nm, air in the flow cell)

  12. Baseline drift: 1×10-4AU/h (wavelength is 254nm, air in the flow cell)

Standard configuration





Dedicated software

1 set


UV detector (wavelength range: 190-700nm)

1 set


High pressure infusion pump (analytical type)

2 sets


High pressure mixer (analytical)

1 piece


Manual injection valve

1 set


4.6*250 Chromatographic column

1 piece


Injection valve support

1 piece


Vacuum pump

1 set


Column oven

1 set


Organic membrane

1 box


Liquid micro syringe

2 pieces


Solvent tray

1 set


Starter Kit (Dual Pump System)

1 set


Sand core filter

1 set


RI differential detector

1 set


Cyano column 7.5-10mm*250mm 5-10um

1 piece


Silica column 7.5-10mm *500mm 5um

1 piece


Copyright:KAYCAN INSTRUMENT(DaLian) Co.,Ltd    Record No:辽ICP备18001461号-2