
KN-86A Double Tubes Distillation Apparatus
The basic test method of determining the boiling range of a petroleum product by performing a simple batch distillation has been in use as long as the petroleum industry has existed.Read
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KN-86Z Automatic Distillation Apparatus for Petroleum Products
KN-86D Automatic Distillation Apparatus for Petroleum Products is a new designed distillation tester. It conforms to standard ASTM D86 Standard Test Method for Distillation of Petroleum Products at Atmospheric Pressure , which is suitable for testing distillation of light and middle distillates, automotive spark-ignition engine fuels with or without oxygenates, aviation gasoline, aviation turbine fuels, diesel fuels, biodiesel blends up to 20 %, marine fuels, special petroleum spirits, naphthas,Read
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KN-7345 Automatic Micro Distillation Apparatus
KN-7345 Automatic Micro Distillation Apparatus conforms to ASTM D7345 Standard Test Method for Distillation of Petroleum Products at Atmospheric Pressure (Micro Distillation Method). The distillation (volatility) characteristics of hydrocarbons have an important effect on their safety and performance, especially in the case of fuels and solvents. The boiling range gives information on the composition, the properties, and the behavior of the fuel during storage and use. Volatility is the major deRead
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KN-1160 Vacuum Distillation Apparatus
The sample is distilled at an accurately controlled pressure between 0.13 and 6.7 kPa (1 and 50 mm Hg) under conditions that are designed to provide approximately one theoretical plate fractionation. Data are obtained from which the initial boiling point, the final boiling point, and a distillation curve relating volume percent distilled and atmospheric equivalent boiling point temperature can be prepared.Read
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KN-NIR Near Infrared Spectrometer
KN-NIR Near Infrared Spectrometer adopts advanced MEMS Fourier transform technology. Optional spectral range of the instrument (1300nm~2600nm, 1150~1700nm, 1250~2100nm) meets the needs in testing multiple indicators and research. High signal to noise ratio is possible to analyze the parameters of low content of the sample. Built in wavelength calibration to ensure smaller difference between stations difference and better long-term stability. The tester equipped with a temperature control device,Read
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