KN-6595 (RDE-AES) Rotary Disc Electrode Atomic Emission Spectrometer
Wear metals and contaminants in a used oil test specimen are evaporated and excited by a controlled arc discharge using the rotating disk technique. The radiant energies of selected analytical lines and one or more references are collected and stored by way of photomultiplier tubes, charge
coupled devices or other suitable detectors. A comparison is made of the emitted intensities of the elements in the used oil test specimen against those measured with calibration standards.Read
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KN-6595P Portable Rotary Disc Electrode Atomic Emission Spectrometer (RDE-AES)
KN-6595P Portable Rotary Disc Electrode Atomic Emission Spectrometer (RDE -AES) which is capable of directly testing the contents of various metallic elements in liquid samples, such as lubricating oil, hydraulic oil, fuel oil, and etc., and finishing the analysis of various elements with a single injection with a single injection within 2 minutes. No sample pretreatments, auxiliary gas or cooling water is needed before and during the instrument is operating. Because of the strong adaptability tRead
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KN-7684 Dual Analysis Ferrograph
KN-7684 Dual Analysis Ferrograph conforms to ASTM D7684 Standard Guide for Microscopic Characterization of Particles from In-Service Lubricants. Periodic in-service lubricant samples are collected from a machine as part of a routine condition monitoring program. The sample is prepared to separated particles from the sample fluid. The separated particles are subsequently examined using an optical microscope to identify the types of particles present to aid in identifying the wear mode occurring iRead
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KN-7690 Thistle Tube Iron Spectrometer
KN-7690 Thistle Tube Iron Spectrometer conforms to ASTM D7690 Standard Practice for Microscopic Characterization of Particles from In-Service Lubricants by Analytical Ferrography. Periodic in-service lubricant samples are collected from a machine or engine as part of routine condition monitoring program. A ferrogram is prepared from the sample to separate particles from sample fluid. The ferrogram is subsequently examined using an optical microscope to identify the types of particles present to Read
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KN-3237 AAS for Testing Lead in Gasoline
The gasoline sample is diluted with methyl isobutyl ketone and the alkyl lead components are stabilized by reaction with iodine and a quaternary ammonium salt. The lead content of the sample is determined by atomic absorption flame spectrometry at 283.3 nm, using standards prepared from reagent grade lead chloride. By the use of this treatment, all alkyl lead compounds give identical response.Read
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KN-AAS Flame Furance Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer
When fuels are combusted, metals present in the fuels can form low melting compounds that are corrosive to metal parts. Metals present at trace levels in petroleum can deactivate
catalysts during processing. These test methods provide a
means of quantitatively determining the concentrations of vanadium, nickel, iron, and sodium. Thus, these test methods can be used to aid in determining the quality and value of the crude oil and residual oil.Read
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KN-1840 UV-VIS Spectrometer
KN-1840 UV-VIS Spectrometer conforms to ASTM D1840 Standard Test Method for Naphthalene Hydrocarbons in Aviation Turbine Fuels by Ultraviolet Spectrophotometry. This test method for naphthalene hydrocarbons is one of a group of tests used to assess the combustion characteristics of aviation turbine fuels of the kerosene boiling range. The naphthalene hydrocarbon content is determined because naphthalenes, when burned, tend to have relatively larger contribution to a sooty flame, smoke, and thermRead
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KN-FTIR Spectrometer for Lubricants
Lubricant oils exhibit various chemical changes during their life time. This starts by simple changes such a fuel dilution of the fuel used or the uptake of soot (ASTM E2412) from the combustion. Numerous chemical reactions with combustion products lead to oxidation (ASTM D7414), nitration (ASTM D7624) or sulfation (ASTM D7415) of the lubricant and can be summarized as degradation products. To enable cycle times known from modern lubricants a wide variety of additives are added. These additivesRead
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KN-5134 GC for Detailed Analysis of Petroleum Naphthas
KN-5134 GC for Detailed Analysis of Petroleum Naphthas conforms to ASTM D5134 Standard Test Method for Detailed Analysis of Petroleum Naphthas through n-Nonane by Capillary Gas Chromatography and ASTM D6733 Standard Test Method for Determination of Individual Components in Spark Ignition Engine Fuels by 50-Metre Capillary High Resolution Gas Chromatography. A representative sample of the naphtha is introduced into a gas chromatograph equipped with a methyl silicone bonded phase fused silica capiRead
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KN-1945 GC for Analysis of Natural Gas
This GC is of significance for providing data for calculating physical properties of the sample, such as heating value and relative density, or for monitoring the concentrations of one or more of the components in a mixture.Read
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